Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jess Bikes Too!

Who knew?!?!  The last time that I was on a bike was about 2 1/2 years ago...  and the last time before THAT was probably 20 years prior!!  If you follow this blog, you know that I'm trying be more well rounded during 2012 - the year of balance.  I've decided that I need to do more than just run so, until Shamrock, I'll be incorporating two biking days into each week.  Then, after that, I'll cut back to just one day so I can add a day of running for marathon training. 

I was pretty nervous about my first ride and it was compounded by knowing that I had to do it solo.  I could have bagged the whole thing for a couple of reasons...  first, it was lightly sprinkling and, second, my bike tires were flat.  Seriously, though, you shouldn't count as a Native Oregonian if you can't do things in the rain.  I got the bike pump out and, after a little trial and error, figured out how to pump my tires.  So, I headed out...

I debated which route would be best/easiest all day today and then I totally abandoned my plan in the heat of the moment in favor of a route that I am familiar with.  I ended up riding for 28 minutes when my training plan called for 30 minutes.  All in all, I consider the entire endeavor a win.  Here are some things that I found are different than running:
  • I need to dress much warmer for biking than I would for running.  My car said mid-50's on my way home so I donned some capris, my fingers, a cute biking Icebreaker (short sleeve), a sleeveless rain slicker thing and my running gloves.  I was freezing the whole way and, 50 minutes later after a hot shower, I'm still freezing!  Although, I'm sure the deluge that started about 5 minutes in and lasted the duration didn't help.
  • Fenders are necessary.  I'll be purchasing one ASAP because the cold, rain and being under dressed was seriously compounded by my sopping wet butt!  BRRRR...
  • Bikes are even less visible to drivers of luxury SUVs than runners - who knew!?!? 
  • I need a few supplies besides just the fenders - a light, a rack, a small pack...  bike shorts, a visor for my helmet to keep the rain from blinding me... 
If anyone reading this has any excess biking gear that they'd like to pass my way, I'd sure appreciate it!  Ty and I are heading to downtown LO to check out a pub and attend a Meet The Brewer event tomorrow night.  Hopefully we'll have enough time to get there early so I can check out some supplies at the bike store down the street.  And at least buy fenders! 

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