Thursday, January 12, 2012


I had my first bootcamp this morning at 6am.  Last night, I was very good and got things all ready.  I packed a bag with work clothes for today, bathroom things for showering here at work after bootcamp and workout clothes for today's run.  I also packed my breakfast and morning snack - banana, instant oatmeal, Clif bar.  I set out my bootcamping outfit and shoes as well and set my alarm for 5:20am. 

Upon arriving to Fit Body Bootcamp, I was greeted by Emily.  She was warm, friendly and inviting.  Class started exactly on-time, which I always appreciate, with jump roping.  Let me tell you, it's been a LONG time since I've jumped rope!!  We then did a series of warm up activities before heading into the core of the workout...

The first set was 20 seconds of activity followed by a 10 second rest.  We started with our hands on the ground and our feet to the right.  We then threw our feet up and to the left, then back to the right, then back to the left.  Then, we did two split leg push ups, pulled our legs back together on the left and repeated the jumps.  And we did this 8 times. 

Then, we did squat burn-outs:  half squats for 10 seconds, full squats for 10 seconds, pulsing half squats for 10 seconds and a 10 second rest.  We did this 5 times. 

THEN, we repeated the jump split push ups 8 times and THEN we repeated the squat burn-outs 5 times. 

Holy crap.  That was followed by some stretching and we were done. 

The class is 45 minutes long and I was dripping sweat by the end - which is always a good sign!  I'm super excited about this class because, so far, it seems just my style and speed.  I will be going Monday, Thursday and Saturday for a month and I know it's going to make me feel GREAT! 

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