Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bootcamp Day 2

I know, I know.  Why is this just Day 2 when it should be Day 4?  Because Day 1 kicked my ass so hard!!!  I couldn't walk after Day 1 and just getting out for a measly two miles on Saturday was near to impossible.  But I did it.  My Monday excuse was that it was supposed to snow.  And it was Monday.  I blame Pubes for both.  Even today was hard...

My alarm sounded, I promptly turned it off and asked Ty if I should go to bootcamp or stay in bed.  He replied that I'd feel better if I made myself go to bootcamp.  I replied that I wasn't feeling bad at all!  But, then, I did get up.  Only to find out that Ty had changed the timer on the coffee (WHY? WHY? WHY?) by 10 minutes.  So, it was just starting to brew instead of just finishing.  But I was early to my first camp so I decided to wait a couple of minutes and drink really strong coffee on my drive there. 

With my really strong coffee in hand, I headed out to brave the deluge.  As I was hydroplaning my way along I-5 South, alla sudden, I see that the Macadam/Ross Island Bridge exit is closed!!!  WTF?!?!  Don't they have a reader board before the Corbett exit specifically for communicating things like this?  So, I end up having to get on I-84 and taking the OMSI exit with 5 minutes to go before class starts... and I end up running in exactly at 6am!  Whew.  So glad I got up and cursing Ty under my breath. 

But then class started.  And it DID feel good to be there.  And the instructor/owner, Emily, addressed me by name - which I found super impressive after meeting me just once.  Again, we had a nice warm up.  Then the workout began...  we had 20 minutes to do as many circuits of THIS as we could (I did 1 1/2):
            10 assisted pull-ups
            15 burpees
            20 hanging leg pull-ups
            25 half burpees
            30 double time jump ropes (or 90 regulars)

Holy crap.  Guess who won't be shampooing her hair for the next few days!  My arms are already sore.  I consider myself to have T Rex arms so I suppose this is good for me.  And it did feel good to already have had a killer workout under my belt when I arrived at work.  Will someone remind me of that when my alarm goes off at 5:20am on Monday?

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