Friday, March 4, 2011


Like a lot of runners, I really tend to fail at getting adequate crosstraining worked into my schedule.  I don't maintain a gym membership and, despite my best intentions, I find that it's really hard for me to do a video or on demand workout when I get home after work.  What I have found that works for me is Groupons!  Most of them last for 30 days and it's a great way for me to incorporate something new but it doesn't last so long that I get totally bored.  In the past, I've done them to Diva Den and RDFT Bootcamp.  I've also taken advantage when ADAPT Training has offered a free week here or there. 

I just bought a Yollar deal for 30 days at the River Place Athletic Club and I'm super excited to use it.  It is less than a mile from my work so I can even incorporate some of their lunchtime offerings into my schedule.  This is extra great because it means fewer nights away from home and fewer nights of dumping all the puppy and chores duty on my ever patient husband.  Here's my tentative weekly schedule:

Monday - 12:00 pm Yoga Fusion
Tuesday - 5:30 pm Ab Lab
Tuesday - 6:00 pm Fit Training
Wednesday - 6:30 am Yoga Fusion
Thursday - 5:30 pm Ab Lab
Thursday - 6:00 pm Fit Training
Friday - 10:35 am Mat Pilates

This will be on top of my running schedule.  I know from past months like this that it will be super, duper exhausting.  But, the results will be worth it.  I've had a couple of niggles on my last couple of runs and I know that it is my body telling me that I need to do some strengthening or else I'll be getting an injury.  Plus, we have a vacation in the Bahamas in April.  If that can't keep a girl motivated to crosstrain her butt off, I don't know what will!!! 


  1. don't forget your snorkeling training :) does the River Side Athletic Club have a pool?
    have a great trip... and keep up the good work

  2. HA! I think they do but, sadly, I'm allergic to chlorine...
