I've been struggling mentally with running since Austin. I'm getting really good at finding little excuses not to run. I've gained 4 pounds. My fitness level has definitely declined. My pants are fitting a little tighter than I prefer. So, what's up?
I don't know, exactly, but I really need to work through it and get back on the right track. At the same time, I need to remember and realize that marathon training doesn't need to be and maybe shouldn't be an all year kind of thing. That's a pretty high mileage rate - it takes a lot of time and sucks a lot of energy. But there does have to be a balance and one shouldn't feel like they're always looking for a excuse to drink wine instead of running!
Sometimes, it's the fear of the next event that keeps me training. Lately, I've been doing minimal training but the ONLY reason that I think I've been doing any is that I promised a friend that I'd run her first half marathon with her. And that was today. We ran those 13.1 in a solid time and had a great time visiting the whole way. She ran the last 1.1 perfectly - speeding up just a bit at the 12 mile marker and continuing to slowly accelerate until we saw the 13 mile marker. At that point, we put the pedal to the metal and sprinted it in! It was a fast finish and it felt amazing.
Now that I don't have anything on the calendar, I'm going to have to dig deep and find some other motivator. In fact, this might be the first time in a very, very long time that I'll be running for nothing, so to speak. I hope I can get back into my five days a week routine... I'll keep y'all posted!
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