Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am currently at the lowest weight I've ever been for the low mileage that I'm running.  Generally, this is the weight that I'll hit during the last couple of weeks of marathon training.  But, this time around, I'm there with just 10-15 miles a week.  My mileage is going to be going up as Helvetia training starts in earnest.  It'll be really interesting to see what my weight does this summer as my mileage increases. 

I have been eating really, really well lately.  Now that I'm in charge of preparing all my food, I'm eating a ton more veggies.  I also tend to cook lighter fare with fewer sauces and added flavors.  I like my food pretty darn simple and I'm sure that's cut a lot of fat and empty calories out of my diet.  I'm also just eating a bit less since I'm making my own portions rather than being served portions sizes that are more appropriate for a 200+ pound man. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Helvetia Week 2

This is techically week 2 of training for Helvetia...  but I didn't run at all week 1.  Instead, I coughed, laid on the couch and vomited.  So glad THAT week is behind me!  I took it pretty easy this week too and, sadly, didn't manage to get out on the bike once.  I haven't biked in a month!!  I like it when I do it but I'm not nearly as motivated to bike as I am to run.  I wish that I could find a biking partner...  but I drive a smart car so I have no way to transport my bike to meet somewhere.  I just need to find a way to be more self motivated. 

Monday - 3 miles (with D)
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - 3 miles (with M)
Thursday - 2 miles (at Tryon!!)
Friday - rest
Saturday - 5 miles (with group)
Sunday - rest

I'm not sure I'll have any time to bike this week either.  I've got a super packed after work schedule with running dates, the KU game tonight and meetings for volunteering with the Obama campaign and a local NFP.  I'll be happy if I can get in a yoga day and one biking day...