Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 15

Did I already mention that I'm officially on taper?!?!??!

Monday - 5 @ 9:51
Tuesday - 5 @ 10:17
Wednesday - 8 @ 9:43
Thursday - 5 @ 10:08
Friday - rest
Saturday - 22 @ 10:12
Sunday - rest

I ran a grand total of 45 miles last week which is a record high mileage for me.  I was tired, for sure, but it wasn't unreasonable and I was still able to manage my extracurriculars.  I found that my hunger level did go up quite a bit - luckily, I didn't feel badly at all at indulging:).  I'll obviously need to watch that during the next three weeks because I'd rather not add pounds to lug all over Austin!  I'm going to try to really enjoy this taper by getting lots of rest and being ready to put my best race together.  I'm going to need the rest since I'm planning to run another marathon just seven weeks later!! 


  1. You are amazing!!! I was thinking the other day that you run in one day what it takes me a week to accomplish. Have I mentioned you inspire me?
