Monday, April 4, 2011

Unplanned Hiatus

For the past two and a half weeks, I have been on an unplanned hiatus from running.  First, I was feeling burned out and overwhelmed with trying to be ready for another marathon in less than two months.  Then, I got new Fingers which gave me a small cut on the outside of my right foot.  After wearing them anyway during a rainy Shamrock Run, I ended up with a sizable open wound instead.  This is when I should have considered taking a couple of days off...

But I didn't and noticed that my left knee was starting to act up.  Figuring it was nothing, I kept at it until my left IT band flared - likely from compensating for that open wound.  I've never had an IT band issue in the past but I've read a lot about them in Runner's World and I was immediately sure that this was what was wrong.  Which was fine because I was starting to come down with a cold and could use a rest.  A trip to my LMT confirmed my IT band fears but she assured me that I could run on it but should maybe take a couple more days off to let the inflammation go down a bit.  No problem as my cold was getting way, way worse. 

Fast forward another week with no running, for a total of two weeks, and my cold/cough was finally nearly gone when I woke up at 4 am on Saturday for a five hour stint with the stomach flu.  So, there went my Saturday running plans!  I finally got back out yesterday for a short 3 1/2 miler with Ty and Onya.  It felt great and I love that my calves are slightly sore and tender today! 

Because I am rather determined and stubborn, this is what my body has to do sometimes to tell me that it needs a break.  I'm listening and, obviously, not running Vernonia.  I've also decided that 2011 is not the year that I tackle my first ultra marathon.  Which is okay - I just need more miles to boost my endurance and strength first.  The time will come.  Until then, I have several half marathons coming up to plan/train for!! 

Honestly, the time away from running has been good.  I feel recharged and ready to run again.  It helped me realize that I needed to back off from some of this year's goals and make them longer term because I'm just not up to them.  At first, I was feeling badly about this and I'll admit that it is disappointing.  But sometimes part of the journey is realizing that there are things you can and things you can not do.  As this endless winter finally starts to fade, I have decided that outdoor time BBQ'ing with friends will be a higher priority than spending 10 hours every weekend running.   For now and for me, this is the right choice. 

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